God tells us to pray and he promises to hear our prayers and answer them. The Prayer Team firmly believes in that promise and supports efforts like the Intercessory Prayer Group, Prayer Chain, Strategic Prayer Warriors, and Prayer Shawls.
Let us know how we can pray for you:
For an after-hours emergency, call 317.814.4252 and press 5.
Join us in praying for others:
View Recent Requests
To view or post on our online Prayer Wall:
Click Here
Additional Prayer Opportunities
- Intercessory Prayer Group
Do you have a heart to lift up the body of Christ in prayer? Praying God’s Word is powerful and effective! CLC’s Intercessory Prayer Group invites you to join them to offer prayers for members and friends of our congregation, as well as the community and world, as led by the Holy Spirit. (Prayer requests are confidential and do not leave the group.)
Our Intercessory Prayer Group meets every Thursday night in the Carmel Prayer Chapel beginning at 6:30 pm.
Join in when you can—you don’t need to commit to every week! For more information, contact Anja Nitz (click here to email, or call 317.418.7922).
- Strategic Prayer Warriors
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
At CLC we have many blessings for which we are thankful and have concerns for which we need guidance and discernment. Because of our relationship with Jesus, we are bold to present our requests to the Father, seeking His will and knowing that He will answer us. Would you consider being a “Strategic Prayer Warrior” and for six months pray daily that the hearts of people at CLC are aligned with God’s will for His church?A Strategic Prayer Warrior will:
- Commit to daily prayer
- Diligently pray for specific ministry needs
- Speak only to the Lord about the prayer requests as confidentiality is essential
Strategic Prayer Warriors will receive an email once a week which will include a Scripture passage, prayer requests, and answered prayers. Strategic Prayer Warriors may find it helpful to journal what God reveals to them through meditation and prayer.
Ready to get involved?
If you are committed to lifting up the ministry of our church in daily prayer, request to join by clicking on the link, below, or contact Clarissa Hay (click here to email) with questions.
Strategic Prayer Warrior Request Form
- Prayer Chain
Our church has a dedicated group of disciples who lift up the coming week's altar prayers. To be placed on this email distribution list, contact Phyllis Mesenbrink.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our knitting/crocheting group meets every Monday night (even in the summer) to make comfort shawls for local cancer patients and others needing a little bit of comfort. If you know how to knit or crochet, or would like to learn, then join us every Monday night from 7-8:30 pm in the Carmel Seniors Lounge. More fun happens when you work together! Bring a friend! We do have some yarn and knitting needles/crochet hooks, but if you have your own items, please bring them.
If you would like to donate shawls, they can be dropped off at any church site (mark them “prayer shawls, Carmel site”).
Questions? Contact Robin Wong (click here) or Cindy Koelsch (click here).