Fine Arts Academy
June 16-20, 2025
We are sorry--this event and the waitlist are now closed.
FAA 2025 Scholarship Application
Depending on the demand for scholarships and the availability of funds, the Fine Arts Academy is pleased to offer a limited number of partial or full scholarships based on financial need. Scholarship applications are due to the Fine Arts Academy Director by April 1. Applicants will be notified by May 1 of the action taken on their applications and, if appropriate, the scholarship amount being awarded. To apply, click on the scholarship link, below.
Be a Teen Volunteer!
Our amazing teen volunteers (who have completed at least 9th grade) serve as examples of servant leadership before and during the week of FAA. If you would like to be a Teen Volunteer or find out more, text Sam Moody at 614-403-0062.
What is the Fine Arts Academy (FAA)?
FAA is a week-long summer day camp (9 AM-3:30 PM) at Cornerstone Lutheran Church Carmel where faith and creativity connect through an overall theme--this year's theme is "TOGETHER". Dates for this year's Fine Arts Academy is June 16-20. The week culminates in a Friday evening program where the students get to share what they've been working on all week!
Download the information/course booklet here.
Who attends FAA?
FAA is open to all youth who have completed Kindergarten through 8th grade.
What do kids do at FAA?
Kids get the chance to participate in a wide variety of visual and performing arts, like dance, drama, cooking, painting, needlework, woodworking, music, and more, taught by highly qualified teachers. And they have lots of fun, too!
Who are the staff of FAA?
Our faculty is comprised of many talented and experienced teachers who have a passion to serve God with their art. Most are actively involved in teaching, either privately, in their churches, or in the school systems. They represent many different churches and all are deeply committed to sharing their expertise and their faith. A list of our faculty will be available soon.