In Romans 12:6, Paul taught, "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us... let [us] use [them] in proportion to [our] faith." We all have gifts from God, but sometimes it's hard to know exactly what the gifts are and how they can be used in the church body. CLC offers a free and easy-to-use online assessment which will help you reflect on how God has uniquely wired you to serve. Click below to find out more and to take the Spiritual Gifts Discovery assessment.
Below, you'll find the different ways to serve at CLC and throughout our community. Thanks for partnering with us to share the Good News of Jesus and serve our neighbors!
- Spiritual Gifts Discovery
Paul taught, "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us... let [us] use [them] in proportion to [our] faith," Romans 12:6. While all of life is a gift from God, the following gifts are lifted up within Scripture (Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12–14; and Ephesians 4) as the gifts of the Spirit, given specifically for the upbuilding of the body of Christ: administration, discernment, encouragement, evangelism, faith, giving, helps, hospitality, intercession, knowledge, leadership, mercy, prophecy, shepherding, teaching, and wisdom.
How do we discover our spiritual gifts and then use them effectively in the church?
- Get involved – Try things out; explore.
- Pray – Ask God to help you find out.
- Listen – What is God calling you to do? What do other people say you do well?
- How do you feel? – Do you feel drawn to it? Do you feel like you are making a difference?
- Inventory – Inventories can help you get a better idea if you are not sure.
The link below will give you access to a free and easy-to-use online assessment which will help you reflect on how God has uniquely wired you to serve. It will also identify what your top gifts might be. If you prefer a paper version, call the church office at 317.814.4252.
Click here for the Spiritual Gifts Discovery Assessment!
- Adult Ministries
Prayer Warriors
A Strategic Prayer Warrior:
- Commits to daily prayer for a specific six-month period
- Diligently prays for specific ministry needs
- Speaks only to the Lord about the prayer requests as confidentiality is essential
More info & sign up
Mercy Care Programs
Comfort Meals – This ministry provides meals to CLC families in their time of need. Through a network of volunteers, meals are delivered to those who have been newly discharged from the hospital, are recuperating at home from a serious illness, or following the birth/adoption of a child. There is a team for each CLC site so that volunteers do not have to drive far to deliver a meal. The Comfort Meals coordinators are Illona Lipovsky and Lee Abernathy. To contact them, email
Funeral Meals – This ministry coordinates the post-funeral onsite reception consisting of food, setup, and serving to provide a time for families and friends to gather together following a funeral service. As this is an “as-the-need-arises” ministry, those willing and able to prepare a dish or serve are always in demand. Please contact Lucy Brewer or Susan Koerner by emailing
Friendship Saturday Lunch Volunteers
On the first Saturday of every month from October through May, CLC Carmel hosts Friendship Saturday, a day of fun for developmentally challenged adults (and a day of respite for those who care for them). These friends participate in games, crafts, Bible studies, and play time while experiencing fun, laughter, friendship, and love. They also are treated to a lunch that's made and served by wonderful CLC small groups and families.
Would your small group or family consider providing a meal one time this year for about 20 of these friends? Meals can be simple! To help and for more information (and meal suggestions), contact Karen Morris by emailing
Small Group Mentors
How about using your gifts and experience as a small group participant to help jumpstart other groups! About twice a year you would help lead a new group in building community and a vision in its first three or four meetings together. Resources and training are available for individuals and couples who would like to be mentors. Contact Pastor Kevin Thomson for more information.
- Children and Youth Ministries
Carmel Faith Formation
Teaches or assists in Sunday school on a rotational basis at the Carmel site. Helpers are also needed as song leaders, puppeteers, and large group leaders.
More Info
Sign me up!
Fishers Faith Formation
Teaches or assists in Sunday school on a rotational basis at the Carmel site. Helpers are also needed as song leaders, puppeteers, and large group leaders.
More Info
Sign me up!
- Music and Worship
Worship Service Helpers
It takes many people to make our worship services run smoothly:
- Altar Guild
- Coffee Time
- Communion Assistants
- Facilities Lock Up
- Greeters
- Readers
- Ushers
- Welcome Desk
- Worship Tech (audio & video)
To assist with any of these at any of our sites, CLICK HERE.
Carmel Coffee Hour Scheduler
This individual/couple at the Carmel site would schedule, recruit, and train volunteers for coffee hour set-up and clean-up. (You'd get training on this by the current coordinator.) CLC takes care of supplies and coffee machine maintenance.
Contact: Lynn Newkirk or Cathy Langois
Carmel Worship Music
Share your musical talents in worship!
Adult Choir, Celebration Ringers (handbells), CLC Brass, Chapel Winds, and the orchestra always welcome new members! Email Josh Pedde, Director of Sanctuary Music.
Worship Center
Different worship band players help to lead music at our contemporary services. If you sing or play keyboard, guitar, bass, or drums, and would like to help lead music, email Pastor Max Murphy, Director of Contemporary Worship.
Fishers Worship Music
Join one of the following groups!
Adult Choir
Sings at the 8:30 AM traditional worship services; rehearses Thursdays, 7 pm, in the Worship Center. Email Josh Pedde, Director of Sanctuary Music.
if you play an instrument or would like to be part of Alleluia Ringers, our handbell choir, email Sarah May. Rehearsals are on an "as needed" basis.
Worship Band
Looking for keyboard, guitar, bass, and drum players, as well as singers, to help lead music at our 10:45 AM contemporary services. Email Marshall Murphy, Contemporary Worship Coordinator.
- Church Office
Office Help
The Carmel site is sometimes in need of help in the following ways:
- Answering phones
- Data entry & filing
- Paper & cardboard recycling
Contact:Craig Huffman
Bulletin Assembly
Assembling weekly bulletins and announcements for worship services. Takes place Fridays, 8:30-10 AM, Carmel workroom. Volunteers are scheduled about once every 3-4 weeks.
Contact:Cathy Klemm
Pew/Seat Back Fillers
Comes in as scheduled to replenish pens, Connection Cards, and offering envelopes at the various worship areas.
Contact:Craig Huffman
Offering Counters
Counts the weekend's offerings and logs donations on Monday mornings.
Contact:Holly Reay
- Church Property/Maintenance
Working at the CLC Indy site
Now that the HVAC work at the CLC Indianapolis site is complete, it’s time to begin to work on the interior space—painting, installing ceilings, and more. While the schedule has not been confirmed, we plan to work during the week, including Saturdays. Do you have home improvement skills you can use in this way? Have you previously volunteered with Habitat for Humanity or at the Carmel site? We can use you here, too!
Contact: Pastor Jason Taber (click here to email)
CLC Landscape Maintenance
We are looking for individuals/teams to adopt areas of the CLC property (any site) and keep them free of trash and weeds. Work as a team with other disciples or your small group and help CLC decrease the cost of landscape maintenance. The area sizes vary to accommodate different levels of volunteer time, and resources will be in place to help you get started. We can also pair smaller groups or individuals together.
Contact: Mike Pomerenke (click here to email)
Kitchen Cleaning Team
If you enjoy a fresh lemony sent and don’t mind getting your hands a little dirty, we have just the thing for you. We are looking for several people to be on a regular schedule to keep the gym kitchen clean. This would involve cleaning the counters, sinks, pantry, stoves, and ovens on a regular basis. The floors will be taken care of by our custodial staff. Perhaps you and a friend would like to team up so you can enjoy some socializing while you clean.
Contact:Craig Huffman
- In the Community
CLC Fishers Garden
The garden at CLC Fishers is operational from the spring to fall every year, producing vegetables like squash, kale, tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers, and cucumbers. Fresh produce is taken to the following local food pantries, like:
- ICAN @ Downey Ave in Indianapolis
- ICAN @ Emerson Ave Baptist in Indianapolis
- The Sharing Place @ Sunnyside in Indianapolis
- Come To Me Food Pantry @ Fishers UMC in Fishers
- St. V DePaul Food Pantry @ 1391 Greenfield Ave in Noblesville
- Food Pantry at Carmel UMC in Carmel
- Hoosier Vets Assistance @ Penn St in Indianapolis
If you are able to help with transporting produce to any of these locations, please contact Joann Strickler by emailing
We are always looking for volunteers to help out in the garden. Drive behind our Fishers site to the pole barn and garden and join us for our formal workdays on Tuesdays beginning at 6 pm and Saturday beginning at 8 am. Or, come to the garden whenever you have some time to volunteer - there is a board in the barn that lists things that need to be done. Contact Tom Ruminer with questions via
Handmade Prayer Shawls for Cancer Bags
Knitting or crocheting is a wonderful way to use your talents to help others feel a bit of comfort. Cancer Companions is working to complete 500 comfort bags for local cancer patients. Each bag includes a hand knitted or crocheted shawl. Donated shawls can be dropped off at any church site (mark them “prayer shawls, Carmel site”). Questions? Contact Robin Wong or Cindy Koelsch through
Want to knit/crochet in fellowship with others? Join us on various Mondays from 7-8:30 pm in the Carmel Seniors Lounge. Contact Robin or Cindy (above) for dates. Bring your own supplies. Don’t know how to knit or crochet? This is the perfect time to learn!
- Donations
Monthly Collections
Every month, CLC focuses on a different community partner to collect items for. It could be food, socks, baby items, just to name a few. To find out what the monthly collection is, CLICK HERE, then search "collection".
Non-Perishable Food
Items especially needed include: Canned meat (esp. large cans), peanut butter/jelly, pasta/rice/boxed potatoes, spaghetti sauce, soups (not tomato), packaged meals (i.e. Hamburger Helper), canned vegetables/fruit. Also laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, toothbrushes/toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues. Donations are given to various food pantries.
Please bring your donations and place in the wooden collection boxes outside any worship area.
Do you have any old eye glasses lying around in a drawer? Bring them to the Connection Center by the Carmel Sanctuary and place them in the marked box. These glasses will be used by mission eye clinics in South Sudan, Africa.