| Cornerstone Lutheran Church
 | Cornerstone Lutheran Church


Scott Giger
Scott Giger

Senior Pastor

Shawn Hecksel
Shawn Hecksel

Eagle Creek Site Pastor

Max Murphy
Max Murphy

Pastor of Care Ministries; Carmel Site Pastor

Jason Taber
Jason Taber

Pastor of Outreach; Interim Indy Site Pastor

Kevin Thomson
Kevin Thomson

Pastor of Discipleship; Fishers Site Pastor

Dale Ward
Dale Ward

Pastor of Worship Arts/Online Ministry

Luther Brunette
Luther Brunette

Visitation Pastor

Paul Borg
Paul Borg

Pastoral Assistant

Rachel Arce
Rachel Arce

Children's Choir Director, Fishers

Jess Brandt
Jess Brandt

Assistant Director of Traditional Worship

Amy Bultemeier
Amy Bultemeier

Middle School/Confirmation Coordinator

Paula  Calabrese
Paula Calabrese

Play Area Supervisor, Fishers

Jane Callahan
Jane Callahan

Director of Development

Chris Doron
Chris Doron

Administrative Assistant, Carmel

Cindy Elliott
Cindy Elliott

Administrative Assistant, Eagle Creek

Kate Giger
Kate Giger

Discipleship & Women’s Ministry Coordinator

Elaina Guse
Elaina Guse

DCE Intern

Kendall Guse
Kendall Guse

Contemporary Worship Coordinator, Carmel

Becca Hartmann
Becca Hartmann

Play Area Coordinator & Administrative Asst., Fishers

Craig Huffman
Craig Huffman

Chief Operating Officer

Joey  Johnson
Joey Johnson

Fishers Site Staff

Becca Klemm
Becca Klemm

Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Carmel

Cathy Klemm
Cathy Klemm

Communications Coordinator

Sara Konopka
Sara Konopka

Volunteer Coordinator

Abby Kruse
Abby Kruse

MOPS Coordinator / CLC Staff Liaison

Melissa Luepke
Melissa Luepke

Director of Faith Formation

Sandy Milius
Sandy Milius

Administrative Assistant, Carmel

Teresa Millwood
Teresa Millwood

Cornerstone Preschool Director

Marshall Murphy
Marshall Murphy

Contemporary Worship Coordinator, Fishers

Josh Pedde
Josh Pedde

Director of Traditional Worship

Mike Pomerenke
Mike Pomerenke

Facilities Co-Coordinator

Holly Reay
Holly Reay

Financial Manager

Lauren Southard
Lauren Southard

Director of Children's Choir, Carmel

Tricia Statler
Tricia Statler

Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Fishers

Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson

Facilities Manager

Steve Thurston
Steve Thurston

Facilities Co-Coordinator

Ashley Wedmore
Ashley Wedmore

Administrative Assistant, Carmel

Camden Zetty
Camden Zetty

Director of Adult Choir and Handbells - Fishers

Lisa Beringer
Lisa Beringer

Preschool Lead Teacher, Carmel

Katie Bozarth
Katie Bozarth

Preschool Asst. Teacher, Carmel

Cyndy Fiala
Cyndy Fiala

Preschool Asst. Teacher, Carmel

Kelli Hosey
Kelli Hosey

Preschool Lead Teacher, Carmel

Shelly Kitchel
Shelly Kitchel

Preschool Asst. Teacher, Carmel

Vann Landis
Vann Landis

Preschool Asst. Teacher, Carmel

Madeleine Luther
Madeleine Luther

Preschool Lead Teacher, Carmel

Kariane O
Kariane O'Keefe

Preschool Lead Teacher, Carmel

Kathy Selbo
Kathy Selbo

Preschool Asst. Teacher, Carmel

Valerie Smith
Valerie Smith

Preschool Asst. Teacher, Carmel

Kate Velezis
Kate Velezis

Preschool Lead Teacher, Carmel

Alyson Worrell
Alyson Worrell

Preschool Enrichment Teacher, Carmel

Mindy Alley
Mindy Alley

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Lindsay Bowman
Lindsay Bowman

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Lori Boyce
Lori Boyce

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Jessie Cook
Jessie Cook

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Elonda Duprey
Elonda Duprey

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Joy Hightower
Joy Hightower

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Joyce Jeffries
Joyce Jeffries

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Lupe Orozco
Lupe Orozco

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Deb Swintz
Deb Swintz

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Stephanie Wellborn
Stephanie Wellborn

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek

Mark Zetzl
Mark Zetzl

Preschool Teacher, Eagle Creek