Holy Week & Easter - Carmel
Mark your calendars for our Holy Week and Easter services! Maundy Thursday (April 17) Remembering the Institution of the Lord’s Supper. Carmel...

Holy Week & Easter - Fishers
Mark your calendars for our Holy Week and Easter services! Maundy Thursday (April 17) - 6:30 PM Remembering the Institution of the Lord’s...

Holy Week & Easter - Eagle Creek
Mark your calendars for our Holy Week and Easter services! Maundy Thursday (April 17) - 6:45 PM Remembering the Institution of the Lord’s...

Holy Week & Easter - Indy
Mark your calendars for our Holy Week and Easter services! Maundy Thursday (April 17) - 7 PM Remembering the Institution of the Lord’s Supper. Good...

Wednesday Lent Services
Midweek Lent Services: "A Contrast in Love" When we experience God’s love, we find it delightfully incredible. It is full of contrasts and...

More Additions to Our YouTube Channel!
Cornerstone Lutheran’s YouTube channel is adding more content. Take a look at www.youtube.com/@cornerstonelutheranchurch. New Music Podcast Launching...

Carmel Blood Drive March 30
CLC Carmel is hosting an emergency blood drive on Sunday, March 30, from 8 AM to 12:15 PM, at the Bloodmobile outside in the north parking lot...

Small Groups and Leader Training
Small Group Leader Training Are you interested in leading a Small Group? Or maybe you have a group of people ready to gather as a Small Group, and one of...

Bibles for 3 Year Olds!
On Sunday, March 30, at our Eagle Creek and Indy sites, we will be having special Bible Presentations for our 3 year olds (those who are three or will turn...