How Is Your Challenge Going?
by Pastor Kevin Thomson, Pastor of Discipleship Today (Tuesday, Feb. 4) is Day 15 of our Being Challenge! What struck me in the readings recently was the...
Hurry! Get Your CLC Spirit Wear by Feb. 9!
Want to support the Cornerstone name around town? Love the CLC spirit-wear you’ve seen others wear? In preparation for Choose Church Sunday...
VBS 2025 Volunteer Registration Now Open!
Get ready for an ultimate Alaskan Adventure this summer at our Vacation Bible School! Kids will learn that Jesus is their True North who will always point...
Another CLC Staff Update
We want to inform you of another staffing change here at Cornerstone. Holly Reay has decided to take a different employment path and will no...
Italian Dinner to Benefit Youth / Desserts Needed
We have a few tables still open for our Italian Dinner! A few openings are still available for our Italian Dinner to benefit CLC Youth on Saturday...
Thank You for a Life-Saving Day!
Many heartfelt thanks to those who participated in our two blood drives on Sunday at our Eagle Creek and Carmel sites. In total, we had 20 donations...
Touring University Band in Concert at CLC Carmel
The Concert Band of Concordia University St. Paul will perform at our Carmel site Sanctuary on Friday, February 28, at 6 PM. We’re excited to be one...
February's Collection: Items for Seminary Co-op
Our seminarians, deaconess students, and their families at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne (CTSFW) make many sacrifices while pursuing pastoral...
Collecting Treats for College Students
We are sending Valentine’s care packages to our college students on Sunday, February 9, to let them know we’re thinking of them and...