| Cornerstone Lutheran Church

Regular Hours Resume at Fishers Play Area

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Regular Hours Resume at Fishers Play Area

It's almost time for our regular hours to resume at our Fishers Play Area! Beginning Tuesday, September 3, our Play Area hours will be Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM and 2:30-6 PM!

Storytime resumes, too! Every Friday from 10-10:30 AM in our education hallway. Join us for a story, crafts, games, and snacks. No need to sign up, just show up!

And don't forget about DONUTS & DADS! This takes place on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 8:30-10:30 AM. Dads and kids up to age 12, both from our congregation and community, are invited to join us on a Saturday morning. Take the kids out for the morning while you connect with other dads... and give moms a morning off, too. PLEASE NOTE: These Saturday morning gatherings are a special time for just dads (or grandpas, uncles) and kids. We want to provide men a place to foster connections with other dads in the community. We certainly invite moms and other caregivers and kids during the week!

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