| Cornerstone Lutheran Church

2nd Grade Bible Presentation at Indy

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2nd Grade Bible Presentation at Indy

Your CLC Faith Formation invites Indy site families of 2nd graders (or older, if they haven't gotten a Bible) to celebrate an important faith milestone together! On Sunday, November 17, we will devote the Sunday School time (9:45-10:20 AM) for a special instructional Bible class for parents and children to attend together.

Then, during the 10:45 AM worship service, we will have a special Bible Presentation time for parents to present their child with their very own new "Adventure Bible".

If you have a 2nd grader (or an older child who hasn't received a Bible), please sign up for both the class and presentation at Indy:

 CLICK HERE to register!

If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Statler, Children's Ministry Coordinator.