Call Team Assembled
As you may know, our Cornerstone staff (pastors and others) have been assisting Trinity Lutheran Church (on 16th Street in Indianapolis) in worship and other areas for the past couple of months.
We are planning to Call a pastor to Cornerstone to serve at Trinity while they get back on their feet – preparing them for their next full-time settled pastor. This pastor will be Called to Cornerstone and deployed to Trinity, until that work is done, at which point he will continue on our staff as a part-time pastor.
We are looking for a pastor who is mature, potentially nearing the end of his career, who is a good communicator, trustworthy, and caring. Since Trinity has a school and the relationship between church and school is very important, a pastor with that experience is preferred. If you know someone who might fit this description, please email Pastor Scott at ).
The Call Team is being led by Ron Thieme and includes disciples from Trinity, as well as Cornerstone. This process has been approved by our Governing Board with the expectation that the position will be funded for the first two years through our mission plant reserve fund. God-willing, we will have a pastor to recommend for a Call at the May congregational meeting. If you have any questions about this Call, please contact Pastor Scott. And please pray for the people of Trinity during this time of transition.