Important Information about Church Center and Church Emails
Church Center App
Our Church Center app is constantly being updated by the developer. This means the latest security updates and newest features are added with each new release of the app. In order to make sure you have the latest Church Center updates, you will need to close the app on your device and check your app store for any updates. Then, restart your Church Center app and you should be good to go. If you have any questions, you can contact Mike Rowland at
or Austin Marchione at
Planning Center emails
We have learned that some email providers are tightening up their email security and sending emails they deem suspicious to junk mail folders. Recently, this has included some (not all) emails sent through our database system, Planning Center. Our staff often uses Planning Center to contact volunteers, small groups, parents, etc., and some of these messages may have landed in the junk folder in your email. PLEASE CHECK YOU JUNK FOLDER FOR CLC MESSAGES!
We are sending as much email as possible through our bulk email system which seems to be working while we check with Planning Center on solutions. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Rowland at