| Cornerstone Lutheran Church

Register Your Kids (and YOU!) for VBS

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Register Your Kids (and YOU!) for VBS

Get ready for an ultimate Alaskan Adventure this summer at our Vacation Bible School! Kids will learn that Jesus is their True North who will always point them to His love and protection! 

VBS this year will be at ALL our sites on Monday through Thursday, June 9-12, from 9 AM to noon. (Yes, ALL of our sites will be 9 AM - noon this year!)

Register your child!

You can now register your children ages 3 years old through 4th grade (based on the grade they will be for the 2025/2026 school year) for VBS at any of our four sites. (Children must turn 3 by June 1, 2025 and be completely potty trained in order to attend the event.)

To register, click on one of the links, below!

CARMEL: Kids Registration

FISHERS: Kids Registration

EAGLE CREEK: Kids Registration

INDY: Kids Registration

Share Jesus! Be a volunteer!

Volunteering for CLC’s Vacation Bible School is an awesome time! You get to connect with lots of people AND share the never-ending love of God to the kids. Plus, the more volunteers we have, the more kids we can have at VBS, and that means reaching more families for Jesus! Sign up by clicking on one of the links, below.

Carmel Volunteer Registration

Fishers Volunteer Registration

Eagle Creek Volunteer Registration

Indy Volunteer Registration