Register Your Kids (and YOU!) for VBS
Get ready for an ultimate Alaskan Adventure this summer at our Vacation Bible School! Kids will learn that Jesus is their True North who will always point...

Support CLC Indy's Food Pantry
Recently, a Cornerstone Small Group went to our Indy site for a "work morning" to sort and shelve donations all the recent donations to the Indy Food...

March Collection: Everyday Items
Giving Emphasis for March 2025: Ordinary Things for Extraordinary Needs As we at Cornerstone Lutheran Church have expanded to worship sites in four...

Upcoming Senior Events
For more information on Senior activities, contact Hans Braun or Verne Hanson. You can also call 317-814-4252 or email . Euchre CARMEL: Senior...

March Outreach Thought
Every month we are bringing you concrete tips and ideas around a particular outreach theme. Outreach Thought: The Splash Zone When I was in high school my...

What Are This Weekend's Scripture Readings?
"In the Quiet" In this sermon series for Lent, Jesus invites us to spend time with Him in the simple and ordinary places of life. Mar. 29-30...

CLC's Daily Lenten Devotions & Bible Texts
Once again, our CLC staff have written daily Lent devotions for you! These are currently being emailed to subscribers and posted on social media. In...

Men’s Sunday Bible Study at Fishers
Men’s Ministry is offering a Sunday Men’s Bible Study at our Fishers site through April 6. It takes place during the education time (9:45-10:30...
Call Team Assembled
As you may know, our Cornerstone staff (pastors and others) have been assisting Trinity Lutheran Church (on 16th Street in Indianapolis) in worship and...